MySQL Technical Specifications

MySQL Technical Specifications

Flexible Architecture

  • Open Source
  • Multi-threaded
  • Pluggable Storage-Engine
  • InnoDB, NDB

ANSI SQL Standards

  • SubQueries, Joins, Cursors
  • Prepared Statements
  • Views
  • Triggers
  • Stored Procedures
  • User-Defined Functions
  • Window Functions and CTEs
  • Descending Indexes
  • Invisible Indexes
  • Grouping


  • Cost-based Optimizer
  • Optimizer Tracing
  • JSON Explain
  • Optimizer Hints
  • Optimizer Histograms

MySQL Document Store

  • Relational Tables
  • JSON Documents
  • X Protocol
  • X DevAPI
  • MySQL Shell

JSON Support

  • Native JSON Datatype
  • JSON Table Functions
  • JSON Aggregation Functions
  • JSON Merge Functions
  • JSON Partial Update

Replication & High-Availability

  • InnoDB Cluster, ClusterSet
  • Group Replication
  • Router
  • Built-in Replication Engine
  • Row-based Replication
  • Multi-source Replication
  • Time-delayed Replication
  • Global Transaction IDs
  • Replica Failover, Recovery
  • Multi-threaded replicas

MySQL NDB Cluster

  • 99.999% Availability
  • Distributed architecture
  • Synchronous replication
  • Real-time transactional performance
  • Foreign Keys
  • SQL & Non-SQL data access
  • Auto sharding of data

MySQL Operator for Kubernetes

  • Containers and microservices
  • Private DBaaS


  • OpenSSL by Default
  • SQL Roles
  • Password management


  • Performance Schema
  • Information Schema
  • SYS Schema
  • Resource Groups
  • Partitioning
  • Optimized for high concurrency
  • Optimized for Read Only
  • Optimized for use with SSD
  • Multiple Index Type (B-tree, R-tree, Hash, Full Text, etc.)
  • Server-side Thread Pool
  • Connection Thread Caching
  • Diagnostics, and SQL Tracing

OLTP and Transactions

  • ACID Transactions
  • Commit, Rollback
  • Foreign Keys
  • Referential Integrity
  • Row-level Locking
  • Customizable Lock Isolation Levels
  • Distributed Transactions (XA)
  • Snapshot Isolation
  • Repeatable Reads (readers don't block writers and vice-versa)
  • Automatic Deadlock Detection

Geo Spatial Support

  • InnoDB R-tree Spatial Indexes
  • GeoHash
  • GeoJSON
  • Spatial Reference System (SRS)
  • SRID Spatial Data Types
  • SRID Spatial Indexes
  • SRID Spatial Functions

Character Sets & Collations

  • UTF8MB4 as default
  • Unicode 9.0
  • Case & Accent Sensitive Collations

Manageability and Ease of Use

  • Easy Install and Setup
  • "3 minutes to Success" with all-in-one Windows Installer


  • Fully Managed Database Service
  • Single Database for OLTP, OLAP, ML, Lakehouse
  • GenAI and Vector Store
  • On Premise to Cloud DR and Backup
  • On Premise to Cloud for Analytics

MySQL Enterprise Backup1

  • Hot Backup for InnoDB
  • Parallel backup, recovery operations
  • Compressed Backup
  • Full, Incremental, Partial Backups
  • Full, Partial Restore
  • Point in Time Recovery
  • Auto-Restart/Recovery
  • Scriptable, command line interface
  • Integrated with Oracle Secure Backup, NetBackup, Tivoli

MySQL Enterprise High Availability1

  • MySQL InnoDB Cluster, ClusterSet
  • MySQL Group Replication

MySQL Enterprise Scalability1

  • MySQL Thread Pool

MySQL Enterprise Security1

  • MySQL Enterprise Authentication1
  • MySQL Enterprise TDE1
  • MySQL Enterprise Encryption1
  • MySQL Enterprise Masking1
  • MySQL Enterprise Firewall1
  • MySQL Enterprise Audit1

MySQL Enterprise Telemetry1

  • OpenTelemetry Framework
  • Tracing
  • Metrics

Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL1

  • Monitoring
  • Alerts and Notifications
  • Reports and Dashboards

MySQL Shell

  • Admin API
  • Python Scripting

MySQL Connectors

  • MySQL Native C Library
  • MySQL Drivers for ODBC, JDBC, .Net, Python, C, C++
  • Community Drivers for PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Go

1 Features only available in Commercial Editions.