
Enpointe IO Achieves 80% Better Performance and 45% Cost Savings
with MySQL HeatWave

“Our experience with MySQL HeatWave serves as a testament to the value of choosing the right platform. It provided us with performance improvements and also offered tangible financial benefits. Any tech conglomerate serious about database optimization should consider this powerhouse.”

Arshad Kazi
Enpointe IO

The web and app development startup boosts application performance, drives innovation, and improves client services by replacing Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) with MySQL HeatWave.

Introduction & Background

Enpointe IO is a specialized product engineering, web, and app development company that delivers next generation solutions for the modern internet. Its expertise encompasses technology support, user experience design, technology infrastructure, design and product management, product data analysis, search engine optimization (SEO), content, and social media services.

Founded in 2020, and with offices in Dubai and Mumbai, Enpointe IO provides customized solutions for small and large businesses worldwide and across all industries, including tech, beauty, transport and hospitality, and engineering.

Business Challenges & Goals

Enpointe began its operations using Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), but soon found it was not meeting expectations with regard to performance and cost. “Maintaining our database on Amazon RDS was expensive, and it often felt like we weren’t getting the best value for our money. The total cost of ownership was steadily climbing, making us question our return on investment,” said Arshad Kazi.

The company was also experiencing frequent latency hiccups and slow query times, greatly hindering software development processes and heavily impacting the end-user experience.

The Amazon RDS database was also consuming an excessive amount of computing resources, even after auto-scaling and optimization efforts. The limited concurrency of transactions, with high resource allocation, was negatively affecting service levels for Enpointe’s clients, whose businesses demand rapid website interactions for their customers.

Enpointe needed a robust, reliable, low-cost database solution to accelerate development operations, improve client satisfaction, and support business growth.

Business Results & Metrics

Enpointe significantly enhanced app performance and reduced infrastructure costs by deploying MySQL HeatWave to replace Amazon RDS, gaining substantial operational efficiency and competitiveness.

With MySQL HeatWave, average query runtime was reduced by 80%, greatly improving the experience of Enpointe’s end users, and bolstering the reputation of the tech start-up.

MySQL HeatWave also accelerated application development timelines, speeding time-to-market and empowering the company to provide a more streamlined service to clients. “While many cloud database solutions might seem similar on the surface, it’s the underlying architecture and support of MySQL HeatWave that truly sets it apart,” commented Sanath Shetty.

By migrating from Amazon RDS to MySQL HeatWave, Enpointe slashed its infrastructure costs by 45%, achieving major long-term savings and enabling the company to offer its applications and web solutions at more competitive prices across the globe.

Enpointe realized a 300% performance improvement in concurrency using MySQL HeatWave compared to Amazon RDS. This enabled the company to provide a seamless service for a movie theater chain website supporting 100,000 daily transactions with up to 1,000 transactions per minute and 20 million unique visits a month. “With MySQL HeatWave supporting our cutting-edge technology solutions, we’ve empowered our clients to provide their users with easy access to the latest movie releases and hassle-free online ticketing,” said Arshad Kazi.

Database resource utilization has been significantly reduced, increasing Enpointe’s IT efficiency, and avoiding the need for excessive computing power and memory.

Enpointe ensured a smooth and rapid MySQL HeatWave deployment by leveraging 24/7 MySQL Support during its proof of concept phase. “The end-to-end assistance from MySQL, from setup to troubleshooting, was invaluable in helping us get a real sense of MySQL HeatWave’s capabilities. Their commitment to facilitating a smooth transition showcased their dedication to client success, and with their guidance we achieved a complete switchover within just two weeks,” said Sanath Shetty.

Why MySQL HeatWave?

As a forward-thinking tech company with a heavy emphasis on cutting-edge infrastructure and dev ops, Enpointe understood the value of database capabilities in driving its innovation. However, the company has always been skeptical of new technologies that flaunt promising benchmark performance metrics.

“In an age where cloud databases are becoming the backbone of tech-driven enterprises, making the right choice is imperative. From Google’s Cloud SQL to Microsoft Azure’s Database for MySQL, there were plenty of options. But regardless of the name on the box, the story was familiar: these solutions offered roughly the same features, with similar challenges to those we experienced with Amazon RDS. It felt like we would just be hopping from one platform to another without making significant progress,” Sanath Shetty said.

“Just when things seemed bleak, Oracle introduced us to MySQL HeatWave. This new offer demonstrated not just unparalleled performance but also substantial cost savings. That’s a combination that’s hard to resist,” Sanath Shetty concluded.