Ariel Networks

Ariel Networks Enhances Robustness of Telecom Solutions
with MySQL

“By embedding the MySQL commercial database in our element management solution, we provide more stable services to our telecommunications customers with development agility, ease of management, and low cost of ownership. We also gained a high level of technical expertise from the MySQL Support team, from solution development to deployment, enabling us to deliver innovative technologies with distinctive capabilities.”

Young Tae Kim
IT Senior Sales Director
Ariel Networks

The Korean ISV implemented MySQL to boost the stability, security, and scalability of its solutions and accelerate time to market.

Introduction & Background

Ariel Networks is a leading ISV in Korea’s telecommunications sector, providing solutions vital for the country’s mobile communication network infrastructure. The company’s offerings encompass subscriber and terminal authentication, pre-paid and post-paid billing, quality of service (QoS) control, signal processing, traffic control and management, location measurement, and related services.

Despite stagnation in the growth of mobile communication subscribers, data usage in Korea is still rapidly growing, due to the increase in service usage time and the proliferation of 5G, high-quality video content, and the Internet of Things (IoT). In response to these industry trends, Ariel Networks continually prioritizes customer needs, developing solutions that deliver differentiated utility and innovation.

Business Challenges & Goals

In 2017, Ariel Networks secured a contract to provide a large telecommunications company with an Element Management Solution (EMS), which needed to manage several telecommunications network elements, integrate with the network management System, and also provide features such as application management and real-time monitoring.

After successfully deploying the EMS solution at the telecommunications company’s site that year, Ariel Networks faced escalating challenges to maintain its performance and stability due to the increasing strain on the infrastructure, compounded by rising data loads and evolving network demands.

In addition to seeking a more robust, secure, and scalable backend solution, Ariel Networks required comprehensive technical support to help streamline its development and administration operations.

As a small enterprise, Ariel Networks aspired to maintain cost-effectiveness in its IT operations, while enhancing the credibility of its solutions through collaboration with an established database vendor.

Business Results & Metrics

Ariel Networks deployed MySQL as the embedded database for its EMS solution installed at a large telecommunications customer, improving application performance, reliability, and security, while reducing total cost of ownership (TCO).

The ISV boosted the productivity of its design and development teams by leveraging systematic support from MySQL Support engineers and using MySQL Workbench to provide an integrated development, design and administration environment. The increased development efficiency has led to a notable acceleration in bringing Ariel Networks’ telecommunications solutions to market, driving business innovation and competitiveness.

With MySQL as the backend database, Ariel Networks increased stability and enabled seamless integration between its EMS solution and the Network Management System, enhancing application management and real-time monitoring capabilities for its key telecommunications client.

The ease of use and intuitive features of MySQL have enabled Ariel Networks’ database administrators (DBA) to manage systems more efficiently and accelerate routine tasks such as database configuration, monitoring, and maintenance. With streamlined processes, DBAs can now focus on higher-value tasks such as performance optimization, security, and strategic planning, further enhancing the overall stability of the EMS solution.

Ariel Networks improved the protection of critical data with MySQL, meeting the security requirements of its telecommunications customer in the EMS solution.

By deploying MySQL as the embedded database, Ariel Networks ensured scalability to handle increasing data loads and evolving network demands of its telecommunications customer, enabling uninterrupted service delivery and future-proofing the EMS solution against data growth challenges.

With dedicated MySQL Support engineers providing timely patches, updates, and technical assistance—including database optimization for the EMS software—Ariel Networks has considerably reduced the time spent on troubleshooting and security. Additionally, having 24-hour access to accurate and comprehensive online documentation has greatly enriched the technical knowledge of the ISV’s engineers, ensuring seamless database operations.

Why MySQL?

Ariel Networks sought a reliable backend for its EMS solution with a low TCO and minimal requirements in terms of system management. Key among its criteria was a high level of support to help with solution stability, security, and development.

“After evaluating several database vendors, we concluded that the capabilities of MySQL outperformed those of its competitors. The MySQL commercial database met all of our requirements, and the support we now benefit from enables us to deliver highly reliable and innovative data services,” Young Tae Kim said.