Clients MySQL

Technology: Hardware & Software

Financial Services

Web: Ecommerce & Social

"For me, HeatWave is the future because of its machine learning integrated within MySQL with immense power and situated in its own cloud, OCI—what could be better? It’s astounding and the speed is remarkable. The database and AI capabilities are the most critical components of our business offering. MySQL HeatWave AutoML has it all."

"Our digital payment system is a totally new mobile experience for which we needed an infrastructure that provides customers with fast response and maximum security. MySQL Enterprise Edition allows us to make ultra-rapid changes and improvements in real time. Before, we were a cruise ship – with MySQL we are now on jet skis!"

" has been growing significantly every year. That is why we designed a database architecture that we believe will scale up to ten times over our current requirements. MySQL's open source structure offers us opportunities for growth and integration because data replication can be introduced and managed from an early stage."