Clients MySQL

Technology: Hardware & Software

Web: Ecommerce & Social

Media & Entertainment

"We have been amazed by the increased performance of MySQL HeatWave and the improved availability of our services delivered on OCI. Moving from Azure to OCI has prepared us for global growth."

"The decision to use MySQL’s built-in replication to migrate the data for us meant that we no longer had to build the most challenging pieces to guarantee data consistency ourselves as replication was a proven quantity."

"We successfully migrated our 6 TB database and in-house digital marketing and media management applications from AWS Aurora to MySQL HeatWave, which reduced our costs by 60% and improved performance for complex queries by more than 1,000X and 85% of overall workloads. In addition, we didn't have to make any changes to our application. Automatic recovery has minimized downtime, and we can now scale to thousands of cores because we have an ever-growing need."