Transforming Government Operations with Open-Source Innovation: Unlock the Power of MySQL Enterprise Edition

Thursday, 27. February 2025
Themen: MySQL Enterprise Edition, Sicherheit

From local governments to federal agencies, the public sector is under increasing pressure to innovate, reduce costs, and meet the demands of an ever-evolving digital landscape. MySQL Enterprise, the #1 open-source database, empowers government organizations to drive modernization across their operations, enhance citizen services, and improve data management.

In this session, discover how government agencies are leveraging MySQL Enterprise to streamline operations, ensure data security and compliance (FISMA, NIST, GDPR, etc.), and improve transparency and accountability. Learn how adopting open-source solutions can support digital transformation initiatives, boost collaboration, enhance system interoperability, and prepare for the future of government technology.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to explore how MySQL is enabling government agencies to meet today’s challenges and thrive in a digital-first world.


  • John Kehoe, MySQL Principal Solution Engineer


Thu, 27. Feb: 10:00 Pacific time (America)
Thu, 27. Feb: 11:00 Mountain time (America)
Thu, 27. Feb: 12:00 Central time (America)
Thu, 27. Feb: 13:00 Eastern time (America)
Thu, 27. Feb: 15:00 São Paulo time
Thu, 27. Feb: 18:00 UTC
Thu, 27. Feb: 18:00 Western European time
Thu, 27. Feb: 19:00 Central European time
Thu, 27. Feb: 20:00 Eastern European time
Thu, 27. Feb: 23:30 India, Sri Lanka
Fri, 28. Feb: 01:00 Indonesia Western Time
Fri, 28. Feb: 02:00 Singapore/Malaysia/Philippines time
Fri, 28. Feb: 02:00 China time
Fri, 28. Feb: 03:00 日本
Fri, 28. Feb: 05:00 NSW, ACT, Victoria, Tasmania (Australia)

Die Präsentation dauert ca. 60 Minuten, zzgl. Fragen und Antworten.


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