MySQL Database

MySQL powers the most demanding Web, E-commerce, SaaS and Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) applications. It is a fully integrated transaction-safe, ACID compliant database with full commit, rollback, crash recovery and row level locking capabilities. MySQL delivers the ease of use, scalability, and performance to power Facebook, Twitter, Uber, and

MySQL improves security, scalablity, developer productivity and performance for web, mobile, embedded and Cloud applications.

MySQL delivers:

  • Transactional Data Dictionary implemented as a set of SQL tables stored in a single InnoDB tablespace.
  • Common Table Expressions also known as WITH queries.
  • Window Functions to reduce code complexity and help developers be more productive.
  • Invisible Indexes to better manage software upgrades and database changes for applications that run 24x7.
  • Descending Indexes to eliminate the need for sorting results and leads to performance improvements.
  • JSON Support with numerous additions including the JSON_TABLE() function which accepts JSON data and returns it as a relational table.
  • Document Store for developing both SQL and NoSQL document applications using a single database.
  • SQL Roles for granting and denying permissions to groups of users, greatly reducing the security workload.
  • OpenSSL as the default TLS/SSL library in MySQL.
  • Default to utf8mb4 character set for richer mobile applications and international character sets.
  • GIS is enhanced to support geography and Spatial Reference Systems (SRS).
  • InnoDB Cluster for improved high availability.
  • InnoDB ClusterSet for cross-region disaster recovery.
  • Replication providing flexible topologies for scale-out and high availability.
  • Reliability requiring little or no intervention to achieve continuous uptime.
  • Partitioning to improve performance and management of very large database environments.
  • ACID Transactions to build reliable and secure business critical applications.
  • Stored Procedures to improve developer productivity.
  • Triggers to enforce complex business rules at the database level.
  • Views to ensure sensitive information is not compromised.
  • Ease of use with "3 minutes from download to development" installation and configuration.
  • Low administration with very little database maintenance required.